Five Meditation Techniques For Beginner

5 min readMar 16, 2022


Before we know what is meditation we have to know is not meditation, closing your eyes, taking a deep breath, focusing on one point, getting oblivious about things, focusing on some unseen god, doing nothing, concentrating all these things are not meditation. Meditation is the fruit of certain activities which you like you cook an apple pie is that smell of baking, you cannot buy that smell from anywhere you have to bake that that smell will come similarly meditation is you are doing certain thing as a result of which that fragrance is released it can be called you beginning from the attentiveness when this attentiveness mature it will become concentration, When this concentration mature that will be meditation. There are different methods of meditation but the result is uniformly the same that is meditation. A state of mind where no hallucination, Where the easiness gets exhibited is felled is experience it’s being from the mind using certain method then you move to a certain stage where you transcend the mind when this transcendence has happened this point is called meditation. It’s not what you do it comes when you stop doing everything.

Meditation Teacher Training India

In beginning, it is not so easy to meditate, Because it depends from person to person which thing is relaxing for me not relaxing for or other. In this blog, we will tell you some simple and basic meditation techniques for the beginner. These are five meditation techniques that help the beginner in meditation:-

Breathing Meditations
Mindfulness Meditations
Focus Meditations
Movement Meditation or Walking Meditations
Mantra Meditations

Breathing Meditations:-Meditation makes your mind sharper when you meditate with help of a breathing technique you have to focus on your breathing. Breathing meditation is very beneficial in many ways its increases your concentration improves arousal levels helps you emotionally stable and has many other benefits. When you do meditation with breathing you have to focus on inhaling or exhaling of breathing due to which you focus on that moment and breath you don’t think about anything. Due to this process of breathing, you did not realize you do not focus on any other negative thought or any other thing which increases your concentration when you concentrate on anything easily it will help you in meditation.

Mindfulness Meditations: Mindfulness is the practice of intentionally bringing our full awareness to the present moment and noticing the thing which is happing around us, there is no need to react or give judgment on those things. so, if you pay close attention to your mind most of the time our mind isn’t actually in the present moment here and now even right now you might be thinking about what snack you are going to eat after this article end, or you might be thinking about a news story that you read before this, so either past or the future, so the present moment though is the only time over which we have any control we can’t change past or future, we can change a present thing so in this meditation form we focus on the present. So even when our mind is in the present moment we are likely to have a full awareness of our experience.

Focus Meditations: Focus meditation you can understand very easily what we have to do in focus meditation from its name as the word come focus means you have to pay attention to some object sensation or sound. the main purpose of doing this form of meditation is to get quick stress relief it is very beneficial to overcome a person from stress. It also helps you in feeling relaxed. In focus meditation, we have to pay attention to some object we do this because we can easily stay in the present moment and slow down the thought which is always running in our mind. Focus meditation helps you increase patience and tolerance In today’s work culture environment it is important to manage these two things, if you cannot then it will affect your career, so focus meditation is very helpful in this.

Movement Meditation or Walking Meditations: For meditation, it is not compulsory to close your eyes or do focus you can meditate doing the dishes or take a walk, or sit on a desk. For meditation we have to just root our mind and body is present, we don’t think about anything. It doesn’t matter our eyes are closed or open if we are rooted in the present thing doesn’t matter. In walking meditation, you look at any place where no obstacles, when we are walking that place should be silent and peaceful. Walking meditation does not mean that you can meditate on a running traffic road, the place you decide for walking meditation should be devoid of traffic. when you find that place you can start by taking a deep breath.when you start you just observe things not give any judgment on them, for movement meditation you have to walk slowly not walk in so speed, The benefit of this technique of meditation is it helps in blood circulation.

Mantra Meditations: What you understand by word mantra, Mantra is a kind of prayer which we sing or do chanting Or we can say it’s a phase which we repeat during prayer time. In mantra meditation, we just sit in one place and close our eyes then start repeating the mantra, We decide to do this because when we start chanting our concentration increases we do not distract that time we only focus on matra not think about any past problem or future tensions. Mantra meditation is a practice that has been done since ancient times by Buddhists and Hindus. Some people do mantra meditation because of a deeper spiritual purpose. When you do mantra meditation firstly you have to choose a simple mantra do not choose any mantra which you can’t pronounce properly or you don’t remember, don’t sit in bright light sit in dim light so you can concentrate on your mantra. When you find a proper place with proper light then take a deep breath it helps your mind to settle and then start chatting.

